Meet the Access Control and Personnel Access Control Systems specially planned for you to control the entrances and exits, prevent unauthorized persons and control the continuity of personnel. It is now more comfortable to control your spaces with product options that can respond to different needs.

Personnel Attendance System

Determining the coming-and-going hours of your staff, making salary and overtime calculations is now much easier with your Access Control System. With PAS software specially developed by Tise Technology's engineers, you will have the modules needed by companies of all sizes.

Turnstile Systems and Software

Choose turnstile systems to automatically control the entrance and exit of a place. Meet our high-tech turnstile solutions that maximize control over transitions. Let us choose your suitable product with our turnstile options with different features that can meet every need and standard.

  • Personnel Attendance System.
  • Access Control System.
  • Dining Hall and Visitor Tracking System.
  • Face recognition, Fingerprint Attendance Machines , MIFARE & RFID READER.


You only have the personnel information.
With the software you use, you can be sure that you will successfully pass the all controls

To answer your all questions...